Earn higher interest rates for larger balances in this tiered-rate money market checking account. Set up regular “Self-Pay” transfers from your other checking account(s) and build your savings. You can access your money whenever you need it, and there’s no monthly maintenance fee.

For ACH electronic transfers/debits setup through non-Coop accounts (utility bills, car payments, gym memberships, investment services), please select “Checking” as the account type to ensure your Money Market account is credited or debited correctly.

Why Choose a Positively Different Business Money Market

2Other banks may charge a fee for the use of their ATM.
3Basic service is provided at no charge, some additional services may incur a fee.

Safety and Security. By combining FDIC primary insurance and DIF excess deposit insurance, we are able to provide our depositors full insurance on all deposits, no matter the balance. Visit our FDIC and DIF page for more information.

Find a surcharge-free ATM near you with this Allpoint Network ATM Locator.


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Money Market

Rates effective September 12th, 2024
Positively Different Business Money Market
With a daily balance ofWhat you get
Interest RateAPY*
$0.01 - 24,999.991.98%2.00%
$25,000 - 99,999.991.98%2.00%
$100,000 - 249,999.992.23%2.25%
$250,000 - 499,999.992.47%2.50%
$500,000 - 999,999.992.72%2.75%
$1,000,000 & up2.96%3.00%
* All rates and Annual Percentage Yields (APYs) are accurate as of the rate effective date and are subject to change without notice. The Annual Percentage Yield is the rate at which an account would earn interest over a one-year period if the stated interest rate remained in effect and all interest paid on the account was left in the account. Interest is compounded monthly on all accounts. Fees on your account could reduce earnings. Rate(s) may change after the account is opened. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Minimum deposit of $25 required to open account.

Deposits insured by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and Depositors Insurance Fund (DIF). All deposits are insured in full.

Looking For A Different Business Savings Account?

We have a variety of options, and we know we have the perfect business savings account for you.