At The Coop we’re constantly working to make sure your private information is safe and secure.  Before you start banking online, we’d like you to take a minute and read these helpful tips and attached brochures designed to protect your information and accounts.


To help protect your information, we recommend:

  • Create and use Strong Passwords.
  • Review your bank accounts often.
  • Be careful when you surf the internet.
  • Only use up-to-date operating systems and software that are supported by the manufacturer.
  • Install manufacturer recommended updates to your computer and mobile device when they are made available.
  • Install and maintain Firewalls and real-time Antivirus/AntiSpyware software.
  • Secure your computer/mobile device when not in use.
  • Emails and Text Messages are susceptible to security risks, learn to spot the warning signs of Social Engineering Attacks


There are a number of useful materials below to help insure your safety

  1. Business Online Banking Alerts
  2. Cybersecurity for Small Businesses
  3. Protecting Personal Information: A Guide for Business


For more information on staying safe online, you may visit our Security page or you may call our Customer Assistance Center at 508.568.3400.